bom . id , bom.data_id, bom.apply_man, bom.apply_time, bom.cdefine1, bom.cdefine2, bom.cdefine3, bom.cdefine4, bom.cdefine5, bom.cdefine6, bom.cdefine7, bom.cdefine8, bom.cdefine9, bom.cdefine10, bom.remark, bom.created_user_id, bom.created_user_name, bom.created_time, bom.update_user_id, bom.update_user_name, bom.update_time bom . data_id , bom.apply_man, bom.apply_time, bom.cdefine1, bom.cdefine2, bom.cdefine3, bom.cdefine4, bom.cdefine5, bom.cdefine6, bom.cdefine7, bom.cdefine8, bom.cdefine9, bom.cdefine10, bom.remark, and = #{id} and bom.data_id = #{dataId} and bom.apply_man = #{applyMan} and bom.apply_time =]]>; #{applyTimeStart} and bom.apply_time #{applyTimeEnd} and bom.apply_time = #{applyTime} and bom.cdefine1 = #{cdefine1} and bom.cdefine2 = #{cdefine2} and bom.cdefine3 = #{cdefine3} and bom.cdefine4 = #{cdefine4} and bom.cdefine5 = #{cdefine5} and bom.cdefine6 = #{cdefine6} and bom.cdefine7 = #{cdefine7} and bom.cdefine8 = #{cdefine8} and bom.cdefine9 = #{cdefine9} and bom.cdefine10 = #{cdefine10} and bom.remark = #{remark} and bom.created_user_id = #{createdUserId} and bom.created_user_name = #{createdUserName} and bom.created_time =]]>; #{createdTimeStart} and bom.created_time #{createdTimeEnd} and bom.created_time = #{createdTime} and bom.update_user_id = #{updateUserId} and bom.update_user_name = #{updateUserName} and bom.update_time =]]>; #{updateTimeStart} and bom.update_time #{updateTimeEnd} and bom.update_time = #{updateTime} and like concat(concat('%',#{keyword}),'%')