@@ -69,12 +69,13 @@
<if test="feedback != null and feedback != ''">
and checkjob.feedback = #{feedback}
- <if test="startTimeStart != null">
+ <if test="status ==null and startTimeStart != null ">
and checkjob.start_time <![CDATA[>=]]>; #{startTimeStart}
- <if test="startTimeEnd != null">
+ <if test="status ==null and startTimeEnd != null">
and checkjob.start_time <![CDATA[<=]]> #{startTimeEnd}
<if test="startTime != null">
and checkjob.start_time = #{startTime}
@@ -171,12 +172,18 @@
<if test="type != null and type != ''">
and checkjob.type = #{type}
- <if test="searchStartTime != null">
+ <if test="searchStartTime != null and status==null">
and checkjob.start_time <![CDATA[ >= ]]> #{searchStartTime}
- <if test="searchEndTime != null">
+ <if test="searchEndTime != null and status==null">
and checkjob.start_time <![CDATA[ <= ]]> #{searchEndTime}
+ <if test="searchStartTime != null and status!=null and status==3">
+ and checkjob.actual_start_time <![CDATA[ >= ]]> #{searchStartTime}
+ </if>
+ <if test="searchEndTime != null and status!=null and status==3">
+ and checkjob.actual_start_time <![CDATA[ <= ]]> #{searchEndTime}
+ </if>
<if test="statusList != null and statusList.size > 0">
AND checkjob.status in
<foreach item="item" index="index" collection="statusList" open="(" close=")" separator=",">
@@ -189,12 +196,15 @@
<if test="actualUser != null and actualUser != ''">
and checkjob.actual_user like concat('%',#{actualUser},'%')
+ <if test="positionId!=null and positionId!=''">
+ and sbInfo.position_id = #{positionId}
+ </if>
<select id="selectList" parameterType="com.platform.dao.dto.check.CheckJobDTO"
select checkjob.*, u.real_name as checkUserName,
- sbinfo.name sbName, sbinfo.no sbNo, sbinfo.level sbLevel,
+ sbinfo.name sbName, sbinfo.no sbNo, sbinfo.level sbLevel,sbinfo.id
partinfo.name partName,
standard.no standardNo, standard.name standardName,standard.level standardLevel,
standard.period period, standard.period_type periodType